Discovery Date: 2024-06-26 01:35:23 UTC
Discovery MJD: 60487.07
Disc g-Mag: 40050.54±951.11
Latest Date: 2024-06-26 01:35:23 UTC
Latest MJD: 60487.07
Latest g-Mag: 40050.54±951.11
Transient Name Server
This transient has probably not been reported to the TNS as yet. Check the TNS directly at this location.
Sherlock Contextual Classification
Prediction: Supernova
The transient is possibly associated with 18392291-4757441; a J=15.33 mag galaxy found in the 2MASS catalogue. Its located 22.46" N, 0.23" W from the galaxy centre.
Difference Image Lightcurve
Access the data from this plot in the LSST Alert Packet Data table below.