Lasair Schema Browser
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or the watchlist_hits table.
Table Browser
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table.column |
Description |
objects. htm16 |
Hierarchical Triangular Mesh level 16 |
objects. diaObjectId |
ID for this object |
objects. ra |
Mean RA of this object |
objects. decl |
Mean Dec of this object |
objects. g_psfFluxMean |
Weighted mean point-source model magnitude for g filter |
objects. g_psfFluxMeanErr |
Standard error of g_psfFluxMean |
objects. r_psfFluxMean |
Weighted mean point-source model magnitude for r filter |
objects. r_psfFluxMeanErr |
Standard error of r_psfFluxMean |
objects. nSources |
Number of diaSources associated with this diaObject |
objects. nuSources |
Number of u sources |
objects. ngSources |
Number of u sources |
objects. nrSources |
Number of u sources |
objects. niSources |
Number of u sources |
objects. nzSources |
Number of u sources |
objects. nySources |
Number of u sources |
objects. maxTai |
Latest MJD of a diaSource |
objects. minTai |
Earliest MJD of a diaSource |
objects. uPSFlux |
Latest u flux |
objects. gPSFlux |
Latest g flux |
objects. rPSFlux |
Latest r flux |
objects. iPSFlux |
Latest i flux |
objects. zPSFlux |
Latest z flux |
objects. yPSFlux |
Latest y flux |
objects. absFlux |
Absolute flux if host galaxy with distance available |
objects. fluxJump |
Number of sigma latest is above mean/sd of previous |
objects. uExpRate |
Rate of increase of u |
objects. gExpRate |
Rate of increase of g |
objects. rExpRate |
Rate of increase of r |
objects. iExpRate |
Rate of increase of i |
objects. zExpRate |
Rate of increase of z |
objects. yExpRate |
Rate of increase of y |
objects. uExpRateErr |
Error of uExpRate |
objects. gExpRateErr |
Error of gExpRate |
objects. rExpRateErr |
Error of rExpRate |
objects. iExpRateErr |
Error of iExpRate |
objects. zExpRateErr |
Error of zExpRate |
objects. yExpRateErr |
Error of yExpRate |
objects. bazinExpRiseRate |
Fitted Bazin or Exp rise rate |
objects. bazinExpFallRate |
Fitted Bazin or Exp fall rate |
objects. bazinExpTemp |
Fitted Bazin temperature, kiloKelvins |
objects. bazinExpRiseRateErr |
Error of bazinExpRiseRate |
objects. bazinExpFallRateErr |
Error of bazinExpFallRate |
objects. bazinExpTempErr |
Error of bazinExpTemp |
objects. timestamp |
Time at which this object last modified |
Table Browser
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name to your clipboard.
table.column |
Description |
crossmatch_tns. ra |
Right ascension in decimal degrees |
crossmatch_tns. decl |
Declination in decimal degrees |
crossmatch_tns. tns_name |
TNS name, for example 2021iru |
crossmatch_tns. tns_prefix |
For example SN or AT |
crossmatch_tns. disc_mag |
Discovery magnitude |
crossmatch_tns. disc_mag_filter |
string |
crossmatch_tns. type |
Astrophysical type of supernova, eg SN Ia |
crossmatch_tns. z |
Redshift |
crossmatch_tns. hostz |
Redshift of host galaxy |
crossmatch_tns. host_name |
Name of host galaxy |
crossmatch_tns. ext_catalogs |
External catalogues used |
crossmatch_tns. disc_int_name |
Discoverers internal name |
crossmatch_tns. disc_date |
Discovery date |
crossmatch_tns. lastmodified_date |
Last Modified date |
crossmatch_tns. sender |
Discoverers internal name |
crossmatch_tns. reporters |
Discoverers internal name |
crossmatch_tns. source_group |
Discoverers internal name |
crossmatch_tns. htm16 |
Hierarchical Triangular Mesh level 16 |
crossmatch_tns. lasairmodified_date |
Lasair last Modified date |
Table Browser
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table.column |
Description |
sherlock_classifications. diaObjectId |
ZTF object identifier, also known as transient_object_id |
sherlock_classifications. classification |
Top-ranked contextual classification for the transient (NULL, AGN, BS, CV, NT, ORPHAN, SN, UNCLEAR, VS) |
sherlock_classifications. association_type |
Association classification for the transient (NULL, AGN, BS, CV, NT, ORPHAN, SN, UNCLEAR, VS) |
sherlock_classifications. catalogue_table_name |
Name/s of catalogue/s from which the best crossmatch is made |
sherlock_classifications. catalogue_object_id |
Identifier in the catalogue/s from which the best crossmatch is made |
sherlock_classifications. catalogue_object_type |
Type of catalogue from which the best crossmatch is made |
sherlock_classifications. raDeg |
RA in degrees of the transient |
sherlock_classifications. decDeg |
Dec in degrees of the transient |
sherlock_classifications. separationArcsec |
Transient's angular separation (arcseconds) from the top-ranked catalogue source match |
sherlock_classifications. northSeparationArcsec |
Transient's angular separation (arcseconds) from the top-ranked catalogue source match |
sherlock_classifications. eastSeparationArcsec |
Transient's angular separation (arcseconds) from the top-ranked catalogue source match |
sherlock_classifications. physical_separation_kpc |
Distance in kilo parsec between transient and top-ranked catalogue source match |
sherlock_classifications. direct_distance |
Determined from a non-redshift related measurement - e.g. Cepheids/standard candle (Mpc) |
sherlock_classifications. distance |
Luminosity distance -- conversion from the spectral redshift (Mpc) |
sherlock_classifications. z |
Redshift of the top-ranked catalogue source match |
sherlock_classifications. photoZ |
Redshift of the top-ranked catalogue source match |
sherlock_classifications. photoZErr |
Redshift of the top-ranked catalogue source match |
sherlock_classifications. Mag |
Magnitude |
sherlock_classifications. MagFilter |
Magnitude filter |
sherlock_classifications. MagErr |
Magnitude error |
sherlock_classifications. classificationReliability |
Reliability of classification |
sherlock_classifications. major_axis_arcsec |
Size of associated galaxy in arcsec |
sherlock_classifications. annotator |
Information about this annotation |
sherlock_classifications. additional_output |
Addititonal information about this annotation |
sherlock_classifications. description |
Long-form, human-readable summary of the transient's characteristics as infered from Sherlock's classification |
sherlock_classifications. summary |
Short-form summary of the transient's context usual for webpage quick-look summaries |
Table Browser
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table.column |
Description |
<annotator>. annotationID |
auto increment counter |
<annotator>. diaObjectId |
ObjectId of the object that this annotator applies to |
<annotator>. topic |
The topic name of the annotator -- acts as primary key |
<annotator>. version |
Version information for the annotator software |
<annotator>. timestamp |
Time at which this annotation was added to the database |
<annotator>. classification |
Short, non-trivial string expressing the classification of this object by this annotator |
<annotator>. explanation |
Natural language explanation of the classification |
<annotator>. classdict |
Machine readable informayion about the classification |
<annotator>. url |
URL for further information about this annotation of this object |
Table Browser
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name to your clipboard.
table.column |
Description |
watchlist_hits. diaObjectId |
ZTF object identifier |
watchlist_hits. wl_id |
Watchlist identifier in watchlists |
watchlist_hits. cone_id |
Cone identifier in watchlist_cones |
watchlist_hits. arcsec |
Distance between ZTF and watchlist source (arcsec) |
watchlist_hits. name |
Name of cone given by user |
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